• 剧情简介

    Because of a ublic service announcement (PSA) for suicide intervention, He Dun encounters a huge blow in her career as a sychologist. Feeling low, she goes out for a meal with her best friend where she accidentally runs into Jia Hui and Qian Kai Yi. Qian Kai Yi is the host of a radio rogram that deals with emotional sychology. Under his insistence, He Dun collaborates with him on the show. As the radio rogram icks u, He Dun“s counseling clinic becomes busier by the day. At this time, her teacher Ji Mingcong becomes involved in a scandal and in trying to get to the bottom of things, she discovers a secret about him that nobody knows. Alas, roblems come one after another - He Dun”

    《Psychologist》里男女主表演富有感染力,演员爆发很准确,该剧中每个人物的形象刻画都非常立体出彩,镜头 里的故事很亲切,很真实,就像发生在观众身边一样,该剧最打动人心的是一个精彩又温暖的故事,带给观众欢乐与眼泪,情绪随着剧情起伏不定。


    无极电影网免费收集:Psychologist完整版全集高清,Psychologist在线免费观看,讲述了:Because of a ublic service announcement (PSA) for suicide intervention, He Dun encounters a huge blo...

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