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    分类:电影 美国  2019 


    导演:Pernille Rose Grønkjær 





    Hunting for Hedonia explores how the burgeoning technology of Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) will impact human identity and our sense of self. DBS is a revolutionary tool in neuroscience and as a treatment it is crossing over from movement control in Parkinson's to alleviating mental illness. Trials are underway in depression, OCD, PTSD and eating disorders. In addition, DBS has a fascinating forgotten history. In 1950, psychiatrist Robert Heath was the first to implant electrodes deep in the brain of a human and in the ensuing years he treated more than 70 patients in his deep brain stimulation program at Tulane University. Heath wanted to cure schizophrenia, but expanded his method to be used to treat depression, chronic pain and even aggression. His method was to stimulate the brain's pleasure as he explored pleasure as part of the psychological healing process. But his focus on pleasure got him in trouble and erased him from scientific memory. Hunting for Hedonia contrasts history ...



    无极电影网免费收集:寻找河豚完整版全集高清,寻找河豚在线免费观看,讲述了:Hunting for Hedonia explores how the burgeoning technology of Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) will impa...

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